It Is “Life of a Dog” and It Is Out There

April 13, 2011 by Klara Hanincova

My dear photography and animal lovers, but also those who randomly stumble over this post: It is out there!….:)

As some of you may already know one of my ongoing projects that I have been working on is about dogs and their day to day lives. Well, I know that you doubt whether this project of mine even exists as you have never seen a single image that is a part of it. But that is about to change! Although the project is far from being finished I managed to glue myself to the computer for the last 24 hours and was editing, thinking and creating a selection of images that are representative of “Life of a dog”. Not only that but I gathered my last strength and posted it on my website. Please swing by and have a look. I hope you will enjoy it…:)

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